Our Outsourced Income Generation Service

A new funding strategy

An initial kick-off workshop and individual meetings with key internal (and sometimes external) stakeholders, before writing you a new, comprehensive funding strategy, to meet your income targets.

Dedicated Account Manager

Your dedicated Account Manager meets with you fortnightly to review progress against the funding strategy, and ensure we remain on track.

Long-term, tailored funding pipeline

We put in place a pipeline to ensure that we can sustain your current funding, and plan ahead for new opportunities, giving ourselves the best opportunity for success.

Fees fixed

All of our work is built into our one annual fee, meaning certainty for you, and no unexpected charges.

Far more comprehensive and effective than just employing external bid writers..

Let’s get to work.

WhatsApp us on +44 7822 014169

Email us at consultant@vmcconsult.co.uk